March 14, 2025

How Can You Expand the Lifespan of Dental Implants?

Nowadays, replacing missing teeth isn’t an impossible dream anymore. Tooth loss is one of the most traumatic things an individual can experience. There are many reasons behind tooth loss, such as severe tooth infection, severe hit to the face, periodontal disease, tooth decay, etc. No matter the cause, you have to replace your missing teeth if you don’t want to face more painful conditions. Unfortunately, leaving missing teeth untreated can lead to awful complications like jawbone loss, weakened teeth, gum disease, tooth misalignment, and even losing more teeth. That’s why professionals always recommend seeking a proper treatment for your missing teeth immediately. Fortunately, there are many tooth replacement options, including dentures, bridges, and dental implants. Among all, dental implants are the most popular since they are the most natural-looking and functional.

As an experienced dentist offering professional dental implants in Richmond Hill says, an important advantage of dental implants is that they can last a lifetime, and you don’t need further replacement. However, it’s not possible unless you take good care of your dental implants. Without proper maintenance, your implants become ineffective, and you have no choice but to replace them. Keep reading this article to learn a few helpful tips for maintaining dental implants.

Brush and floss your teeth daily.

Many think dental implants don’t need daily maintenance and skip brushing and flossing them. It’s a very big mistake because dental implants should be carefully cleaned, just like your real teeth. You have to brush and floss your dental implants gently if you want to prevent periodontal disease near your implants. It even becomes more important if you have all-on-4 dental implants. You can ask your implant dentist for useful instructions to brush and floss your implants correctly.

Keep your diet healthy and nutritious.

Dental implants let you eat anything you like, and you don’t need to worry about your implants slipping into your mouth. However, it doesn’t mean you can bite on hard and sticky foods. They can break your dental implants and cause tooth infections. Moreover, it’s better to avoid drinking your tea or coffee when it’s too hot.

Plan for regular checkups.

Visiting your dentist is still important, even after your healing time. Your implant dentist should examine the condition of your dental implants once in a while to prevent possible problems in the future. Furthermore, the implant specialist can remove plaque that has built up around your gums during these checkups to prevent the risk of implant infection.

Quit smoking.

Smoking tobacco is really harmful when your wounds are healing after getting dental implants. Smoking can slow the body’s natural healing process and increase the risk of infection. Implant dentists always recommend their patients quit smoking to increase the lifespan of their dental implants.

Be always alert.

If you know the signs of implant failure, you have a greater chance to preserve your smile. If you detect early signs of implant problems, you can visit your dentist at the right time and save your dental implant. Feeling severe pain, swelling around your implants, and loose implants are signs you should visit your implant dentist.

Visit a specialist to see whether dental implants are right for you!

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