Low Calorie Meals That Will Satisfy Your Hunger

One of the toughest challenges people struggle with is weight loss. They can’t even enjoy food without feeling guilty about it. Something that can make the process much easier though, is not calorie counting, but finding ways to satisfy your cravings and hunger without filling up your stomach with too many calories and taking Good low calorie meals.
The type of fiber in oatmeal is a great way to keep you full for a long time. Some studies show that it can even lower cholesterol, prevent heart disease and help with blood sugar.
One cup of cooked oatmeal has about 180 calories, but depending on the toppings you opt for, it can contain between 6-16 grams of fiber.
If you add blueberries or raisins, then you have three times more than the recommended daily intake of vitamin K as well. Nutritional benefits aside, oatmeal also comes in different flavors and textures so you always have options that will keep your taste buds entertained as well.
Just make sure to not use any added sugars while cooking it.
This is an ancient grain that contains a lot of protein and fiber. It also includes iron, magnesium and zinc in its ingredients. Quinoa has a rather mild flavor so it can be consumed almost in any way, but it’s most commonly mixed with other ingredients like beans or vegetables.
In order to make sure you’re getting the most out of quinoa, you can steam it for about 20 minutes before adding your own flavors. This will help preserve all the nutrients better than if you were to cook it any other way.
Most people who love quinoa usually invest in quinoa flour or pasta because they are not only healthier than regular flour but they are much more filling as well.
Cottage Cheese
It’s no secret that cottage cheese is a great source of protein. It contains 50% more protein than cheddar cheese and almost twice as much as ricotta or mozzarella. One half cup of cottage cheese provides you with 9 grams of protein and only 5 grams of fat.
Cottage cheese is great in the morning with some fruit on the side, but it can also make for a great snack before dinner because it will fill you up properly. The high amount of protein will also make sure that your body has enough energy to burn fat even if you go to sleep after dinner time.
One of the best ways to prepare cottage cheese is to add in your favorite fresh or dried herbs.
Oatmeal with Fruit & Nuts
It’s important to get a balanced diet and that means eating fruits and different types of nuts as well. They are not only delicious, but they offer a lot of nutrients and energy as well.
This combination is really great for breakfast or for a snack because you’re getting fiber, protein and healthy fats along with your favorites sweet fruits.