Suffering from a hip fracture, here’s why you should get a hip fracture physiotherapy

The largest joint in our body is the ball and socket joint of the hip. This is a prominent part of the part as it can withstand motion repeatedly. However, many reasons like externals injury may result in dislocation or fractures. These can result in immense pain and discomfort after the surgery. Also, once such a significant part of your body is operated on, mobility becomes extremely difficult. So how do we address this issue? The answer is simple, hip fracture physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy is nothing but the treatment provided medically for patients suffering from problems in their joints, muscles, or nerves. This is a process that involves exercises and movement involving the affected region. This is an essential procedure for ensuring mobility.
Hip fracture physiotherapy, how does it work?
Hip fracture physiotherapy is an essential step toward the recovery process. Most of us assume that life goes back to normal once we are done with the surgery. However, that is not the case. The need for physiotherapy is essential for the total recovery of the patient. It will help the patients maximize the movement and the functioning of the hip joint. This is achieved by gaining back the use of particular muscles around the hip region. This leads to healing the soft tissues quickly, which helps restore the patient’s strength and stability so that he can start walking as he used to. It will also work wonders in reducing hip pain, which also reduces the dependency on pain killers.
Many other hip conditions may be resolved by physiotherapy; let us look at them.
- A sprain in the hip or an overstretching of the hip flexors.
- An occurrence of wear and tear in the joint cartilage. This condition is referred to as osteoarthritis.
- Inflammation of the bursa is a fluid-filled sac near the hip joint. This condition is also known as trochanteric bursitis.
- It also is helpful for a patient with the condition known as iliotibial band strain. This is caused due to the over usage of the connective tissues in the leg from the hip to the knee.
- Osteochondritis Dissecans is another hip condition that can be recovered from with the help of physiotherapy; this condition is caused by lowered blood supply, resulting in the separation of the bone fragments and cartilage.
This is why one must always opt for physiotherapy for complete recovery.